A Deciding Algorithm of Full Binary Tree Completely Based on Height 一种完全基于高度的满二叉树判定算法
The Laplacian Eigenvalues of Full Binary Tree 满二叉树的Laplacian特征值
Multicast source authentication based on full binary tree and hash function 基于满二叉树和杂凑函数的组播源认证方法
Some characters about inorder traversing sequential storage full binary tree are introduced. 从中序遍历的定义出发以及满二叉树的自身特点出发,得出了关于顺序存储的满二叉树中序遍历的性质。
In-place quicksort based on full binary tree 基于满二叉树的原地快速排序
The Ancestor Pedigree Search of Individual Dairy Cattle Using Traversal Method on Full Binary Tree 利用满二叉树遍历算法搜索个体奶牛的祖先谱系
A RB+ tree is almost a full and balanced binary tree, in which each node is able to accommodate more indexed entries, therefore, search paths are short. RB+树几乎是一棵满的平衡二叉树,一页能容纳更多的索引项,因而能用较矮的RB+树存储大量的索引项。
Finally, simulation experiments show that the routing lookup algorithm based on full binary tree of hierarchical hash is significantly better than the previous algorithm. 最后,通过仿真实验,得出基于满二叉树的路由查找算法在查找速度上要明显优于以往算法。
After the algorithm, an analysis of the full binary tree network attacks, the tree entirely trigeminal network attacks circumstances process backtracking on the number of hours the impact of the results and recommendations of the defense system in the process for the best number. 算法提出后,分析满二叉树攻击网络,满三叉树攻击网络情况下检测进程数量对反向追踪时间的影响,分析结果并建议了该防御体系进程的最佳数量。